Natural Sounds

By Andreas Moritz

Natural sounds are extremely important for maintaining balance on all levels of existence i.e. mind, body, behavior and environment.

Unless deaf, we cannot even remotely imagine what this world would be like without sounds. An environment without the gushing sounds of a waterfall, the singing of birds, the humming sounds of bees, the rustling of leaves, the swishing of grass, the murmur of a river, or the chirping of crickets is unattractive, to say the least.

Natural sounds are essential for sustaining the decisive frequencies that guarantee continual evolution and existence of our natural world. We, too, are the evolutionary products of nature. Nature’s sounds contain the information and instructions to create and organize all of matter, including our bodies.

The sounds emanating from dolphins or whales have upheld growth and evolution on our planet for eons and so have the ‘minutest’ sounds generated by insects, amoebae and microbes.

Natural sounds form the basis of all life in the universe.

We can use nature’s sounds to restore life wherever it has been distorted or damaged by sounds that have adverse effects. Life disintegrates wherever nature’s sounds are subdued.

Plants, animals and humans require nature’s ‘music’ to follow a pattern of healthy growth. This inner need for nature’s ‘symphonies’ has instilled in every culture the desire to create a unique traditional type of music under the direct influence of the particular geographical conditions and specific climates prevailing in different regions of the planet.

Natural Sounds

Like other beings, humans are also able to create music and they can be very good at it. Music harmonizes differences and has a happiness and love-generating effect on our environment and on us. The frequencies of happiness and love are the most powerful antidotes to disease, disharmony, crime and environmental destruction.

For example, greenhouse and field plants grow faster when soft music is played. Carefully controlled studies with plants showed that sound waves affect germination, growth, flowering, fruiting and seed yield, particularly by musical sounds ranging in the low frequencies from 100 Hz to 600 Hz.

Cows also respond to music by giving more milk.

Natural Sounds

Listening to music helps people relax, normalize blood pressure and balance moods. By listening to music at least once a day you can find and keep your inner balance.

You can do this in two ways. Find a quiet space somewhere out in nature and focus your mind on the natural sounds around you. You may even want to write down what sounds you hear and your reactions to them. This makes the sounds more concrete and meaningful for you and helps you become more aware of the sounds around.

Some sounds are more obvious than others. Do you prefer to hear the loud, dominating ones or the ones in the background? Do you find low-pitched sounds more comforting than high-pitched sounds?

Becoming aware of the sounds around us can reflect how we feel about ourselves. They help us correct imbalances within us. If the sounds bore you, it only reflects that you are bored within yourself. So simply listen to these sounds until the discomfort passes. This gives you an opportunity to move closer to your true essence, which can never be boring.

Natural sounds can serve as a wonderful therapist, always available when we need one. Thus, the sound of a river can instill patience and peace in the listener. The singing of a bird can cheer you up, and the gentle sound of a breeze can create clarity in your mind.

The second method of regaining balance is by listening to the music of your choice. For best results, it is best to do this with full attention, which means sitting or lying with eyes closed.

Music can be a very powerful therapeutic tool. Listen to it with your heart and mind. When you listen to great music with full concentration and allow it to touch you in many different ways, you can enter a profound state of bliss.

This can remove mental stress, emotional upset and ill health.

Let your feelings guide you when you select a particular piece of music: don’t go by popular trends. Let the tunes ‘soak in’ and ‘filter’ through your skin into your blood, bones and nerves.

The music will realign your cells and make them stronger and healthier.


This is an excerpt from the book IT’S TIME TO COME ALIVE by Andreas Moritz.

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine and author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health and spirituality such as ‘Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation’, ‘Cancer Is Not A Disease, Its A Survival Mechanism’, ‘The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush’ and his newest book ‘Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time’.

Andreas Moritz can be contacted on Facebook.

Copyright 2011 by Andreas Moritz

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