
Is Excessive Gym Noise Stopping You From Working Out?

Written by: Brendon Doran – Memtech Acoustical Consultant & Gym Rat

So, it’s the New Year and you’re all pumped up to finally make your resolution to get in shape a reality. You bought a new gym bag, some crazy smelling powder stuff that does the work of 5 cups of coffee, the other crazy powder stuff that tastes absolutely horrible but it’s supposedly good for you, and you’ve signed up for a gym membership so you’re ready to go!

Nothing can stop you, so to the gym you go!

You have your super energy drink in tow as you stroll into this new arena of weights, treadmills, sweaty people and then it hits you.


They have the music blasting louder than those punk kids who live next door, weights that you didn’t even know were capable of leaving the ground are being slammed from over the heads of gorilla like men, that odd older lady in the corner with the personal trainer is grunting and screeching in an attempt to finish her last couple of squats, millennials are running around like it’s a jungle gym screeching and hollering, and you’re standing there with a dumbfound look on your face not able to think because you really can’t hear yourself think!

You haven’t experienced this kind of noise since your college frat days. How can you possibly do this every day without going deaf?

So, you decide to not go every day…every other seems good enough. So every other day comes around and it’s still just too unbearable so you decide that a couple times a week is fine.

So you skip a couple of days…and a few more days…then a few more. You’ve only gone to the gym once in 10 days so there’s really no point in going at all. There goes your New Year’s resolution!

But why?

If it wasn’t such a zoo of crazy clanging, clacking, screaming, and hollering then you would’ve been able to relax and find your groove to lift some weights and actually get that beach body that you’ve always dreamed of!

What is the solution? As a gym user there’s not really much you can do about it other than cranking up your headphones so loud that it blows out your ear drums (don’t do that by the way), but as the owner of the gym you see this dilemma year after year and you think there’s no way out, but there is!

Noise control solutions do exist and they are much easier to attain than most people think.

At Memtech Acoustical we offer all kinds of noise control solutions for any environment including gyms.

If you’re unhappy with excessive grunting, dropping of weights, loud music, people talking on phone, and other annoying  gym noise don’t be afraid to drop the owner a note informing them that there are noise control solutions available like, acoustic wall panels and  ceiling baffles.

If they still don’t get it, tell them to call Memtech Acoustical: 248-289-1123.