by Memtech Acoustical Team | Sep 30, 2014 | Product FAQ
Sonex One Baffles – FAQ 1.) What are Sonex One Baffles designed to do and how does the surface pattern help with this? They are designed to absorb noise. Their surface pattern design being pronounced allows for more exposed surface area in a baffle. This in turn...
by Memtech Acoustical Team | Sep 23, 2014 | Acoustics Education
4 Acoustical Myths Debunked Part of our job here at Memtech Acoustical is to not only provide solutions for people’s acoustical needs, but to also explain why these solutions are necessary. By explaining “what” we do and answering the “why” we do it, we are able to...
by Memtech Acoustical Team | Sep 17, 2014 | Community Involvment
Dinosaur Hill On September 6, 2014 the Memtech Acoustical team took a trip to Dinosaur Hill, where we were seeking to help out the organization in any way possible. Dinosaur Hill is a nature preserve that features programs and activities for children, where they can...
by Memtech Acoustical Team | Sep 16, 2014 | Product FAQ
Sonex Curtains Barrier Backed – FAQ 1.) What are Sonex Curtains made of and what purpose do they serve? Sonex Curtain BB is a composite that features sound absorptive willtec foam quilted with a vinyl facing on one side, bonded to a reinforced noise barrier...
by Memtech Acoustical Team | Sep 12, 2014 | Environment
What is Noise Control and Why Do We Need It? Noise control fact: Did you know that in the United States, approximately 22 million workers are exposed to hazardous noise on a daily basis? Or that research has shown that exposure to constant or high levels of noise can...
by Memtech Acoustical Team | Sep 9, 2014 | Product FAQ
Sonex Wedges – FAQ 1.) What is the difference between a Sonex Super Wedge and a Sonex Max Wedge? Sonex Wedges, including Sonex Super and Sonex Max, provide maximum sound absorption for a variety of applications. While Sonex Super Wedges are...