Sonex Clean Products – FAQ


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1.) What purpose does Sonex Clean Products serve and in what applications are they best suited for?

Sonex Clean Products are used in environments that require noise control such as bottling and food processing plants, clean rooms and food preparation areas, as well as aquatic centers and gymnasiums.

They are durable products which are able to reduce reverberation and echo in any room with a need for wash down properties.

2.) What makes these products “clean?” Why are they unique?

These products are fully encapsulated in FR taffeta vinyl for efficient cleaning and long, durable life. These products also pass the “Peanut Butter Test.”

Meaning, when peanut butter is smeared on them, it can be washed down without the peanut butter seeping into the foam. 

You can even use a pressure washer to clean them!

Memtech Acoustical, LLC
2175 Avon Industrial Dr.
Rochester Hills, MI 48309
Phone: 248.289.1123
Fax: 248.289.6317
Toll Free: 877.606.3940