Gun Firing Ranges Soundproofing
Properly installed wall and ceiling acoustic panels or baffles can help to eliminate indoor Noise Control for Firing Ranges.
Gun Firing Range Soundproofing
Memtech Acoustical designs and installs effective acoustic panels to help eliminate noise reflection while shooting indoors.
Hearing protection is always required when using firearms. This is a ‘cardinal rule’ of gun safety, as hearing damage can occur immediately if the user fails to use proper earplugs or earmuffs. The sound levels (outdoors) from a discharging firearm can range from 153 dB (peak) for a 22 LR pistol to above 163 db (peak) for a 30-06 rifle. These levels are all above allowable limits.
However, when guns are fired indoors, the resultant noise can be reflected from walls, ceilings and floors, and the resultant sound levels can become extreme. This is especially true when multiple shooters are present, as is commonly found at indoor target ranges. In some cases, noise levels can become 10 dB higher than when shooting the same weapons outdoors.
Due to the high levels of acoustic energy produced by discharging firearms, there is no viable way to install noise-control materials on walls or ceilings which will eliminate the need for hearing protection for the shooter. Since the gun is in such close proximity to the user, the ‘direct path’ of noise will occur between the firearm and the user’s ears. However, for individuals standing in nearby areas or watching from behind, noise reflection from walls and ceilings will tend to increase the overall levels in the facility. Reflected noise can also carry down hallways or be objectionable in nearby offices or meeting rooms. Properly installed wall and ceiling acoustic panels or baffles can reduce the “range reverberation amplification effect” by absorbing some of the noise which is being reflected by hard surfaces. When properly installed, these acoustic panels can result in a marked improvement in surrounding areas.
It must be stated that the use of noise-absorbing panels can only be used in areas where bullet/shell impacts are unlikely to occur. There are no acoustic panels that can withstand repeated impacts from firearm projectiles.
For outdoor ranges, where noise annoyance becomes an issue for nearby residential areas, the use of engineered noise barrier walls can be effective. The design of these walls is critical, as a number of factors must be considered, including ground topography, size of the firing field(s), proximity to neighborhoods, and the desired degree of noise attenuation. MEMTECH ACOUSTICAL can assist in determining the needed specifications and execute effective design and installation services to meet the needed goals.