Low-Noise Design Support for Process Machinery

We offer engineering support services to assist OEM machine designers in minimizing noise and vibration levels through the use of computer simulations.


Design Support for Process Machinery

MEMTECH ACOUSTICAL has designed and implemented many noise and vibration control solutions for OEM equipment manufacturers and end-users.

Low-Noise-Design-Support-for-Process-Machinery-picIndustrial processing equipment such as machine tools, pumps, compressors, HVAC systems, etc. are often designed without a great deal of consideration for noise radiating from the machine itself. Reducing noise and/or vibration at the source is almost always preferable to the use of enclosures or baffles, since these types of ‘external’ noise-control structures can cause issues with maintenance access, excessive heat build-up and associated production part quality problems.

Since noise is always caused by vibration, any design improvements that reduce vibration within a machine will almost always reduce the radiated noise levels. And since it requires energy to induce vibration, any engineered solutions to minimize vibration levels will often result in a more efficient and quieter machine.

These benefits can include:

  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Longer equipment life
  • Increased reliability
  • Improved life-cycle costs
  • Better part quality (elimination of chatter or other vibration-related quality issues)
  • Reduced energy consumption

Design enhancements can include:

  • Structural stiffening of machine frames or tanks
  • Mechanical isolation of high-vibration components
  • Balancing or aligning rotating equipment
  • Improving laminar flow through ducts or pipes
  • Damping resonant modes in large structures
  • Use of low-noise drive belts and sheaves
  • Installing appropriate isolation mounting pads
  • Speed and feed adjustments to avoid operation at resonant points
  • Optimizing the design of tooling and part clamping systems

MEMTECH ACOUSTICAL has worked with numerous equipment OEMs as well as with end-users to improve equipment design such that vibration and noise levels are significantly reduced while still meeting the desired cost targets and production goals. We use empirical methods to gather and analyze data on existing equipment, determine static and dynamic stiffness levels, and model different solutions using advanced CAE software as well as finite element and SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis) simulations. For machines which are still in the design process, we can offer engineering support services to assist OEM designers in minimizing noise and vibration levels through the use of computer simulations and experience-based recommendations.

Contact Memtech Acoustical

If you have a specific request, special project, or need specifications about our complete range of high-performance noise control applications, our team is ready to answer your questions.