Animal Care Noise Control
Memtech Acoustical designs, supplies, and installs well-engineered noise control products for all types of animal care and pet care facilities.
Pet Care Facility Soundproofing
Memtech Acoustical designs effective and attractive noise control solutions for animal care facilities.
Memtech Acoustical designs effective and attractive noise control solutions for animal care facilities.
Barking dogs and other animal sounds can create loud and disruptive noise throughout any animal care facility, including Veterinary clinics, kennels, and animal rescue centers. The effects of excessive reverberation (echo) can worsen this problem as well. The results can include excessive stress on animals, difficulty communicating, and problems with concentration for the staff and care professionals. The use of hard walls, ceilings and floors serve to act as effective ‘noise reflectors’, causing reverberation; this reflection can be reduced significantly via the strategic installation of noise-absorbing panels, acoustical ‘clouds’ hung from the ceiling, or the use of baffles and diffusers. These products come in a wide variety of colors and designs to compliment any décor, and can usually be installed without interfering with daily operations.
In some cases, particularly at Veterinary clinics, noise isolation between examination/surgery rooms and adjoining areas may be necessary to avoid unnecessary anxiety for the animals being treated. This can readily be accomplished by the installation of noise-blocking materials on walls and above open (suspended) ceilings. Significant reductions in noise being coupled between rooms can be achieved. The installation of flooring materials that absorb or dampen sound will reduce noise from footsteps and animal movements. Carpeting can also help to absorb sound and minimize reverberation.
The installation of ‘noise masking’ systems can also be effective, as these systems produce a soothing ‘white-noise’ effect, similar to that of a steady rainfall or waterfall. However, it is critical that these systems be adjusted so as to not become overwhelming or dominant, and yet loud enough to producing sufficient masking amplitude to block-out background noises and to provide a comfortable atmosphere.
MEMTECH ACOUSTICAL has successfully worked with many animal care facilities to resolve noise issues in a cost-effective manner.