Assuring compliance with Noise Ordinances.

MEMTECH ACOUSTICAL has a long history of successfully dealing with all types of noise ordinances and requirements.


State and Local Noise Ordinances

MEMTECH ACOUSTICAL can provide support in understanding legal noise requirements, measuring current noise levels and in assuring that environmental noise from your business meets any ordinances or noise-related laws.

Assuring compliance with state, county, city or local noise ordinances involves understanding and adhering to regulations regarding acceptable noise levels during specific hours or in certain conditions.

Commercial-State-and-Local-Noise-Ordinances-picMEMTECH ACOUSTICAL has a long history of successfully dealing with all types of noise ordinances and requirements. These regulations often vary by city or municipality, so it’s important to know the rules that apply to your location. We can assist in understanding the requirements in your area, as well as to fully explain the criteria and methods used to verify compliance. Noise ordinances usually specify acceptable noise levels during different times of the day or week.

Commercial-Noise-Ordinances-picFor example, there may be stricter regulations during late evening and early morning hours when people are more likely to be resting. In addition, some ordinances have requirements regarding allowable frequency content, temporal characteristics or other acoustic metrics that may require the use of specialized equipment in order to verify compliance. Some ordinances can become quite complex and difficult to understand; in those instances, we can provide any assistance needed in interpreting the standards, and measuring noise to understand any areas of potential violation.

Most importantly, we have the expertise to assist your business in reducing excessive noise to meet any ordinance, and to validate the results to assure that you are legally compliant with the regulations in your area. Solutions can involve anything from adding noise-blocking materials to walls or ceilings to acoustic doors and windows, and a variety of other products. In some instances, something as simple as how speakers are mounted to walls or placed in gyms or public event venues can make a huge difference in community noise levels.

Commercial-Noise-Ordinances-complianceWe have the legally certified instrumentation and licensed professional engineers (PE’s) to measure the noise levels from your business, and can generate reports or provide legally acknowledged expertise for in-person representation at public hearings, for litigation matters or court trials if needed.

By being proactive and mindful of local regulations and community concerns, you can ensure that your business will operate in compliance with noise ordinances while minimizing disruptions to the surrounding area.


Please see our section on ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE CONTROL for a detailed discussion on this topic.

Contact Memtech Acoustical

If you have a specific request, special project, or need specifications about our complete range of high-performance noise control applications, our team is ready to answer your questions.